
Inland open top adventures....

Another 'life' posting taking the place of model buses.   It's lifted from the 'Buses and Coaches' subforum on RailForums.  You can see the original post here, and click on the photos if you're signed up.  A week off thanks to the half term (and no future favoured to transport to school) meant I was able to have a nice day out on Wednesday just gone. Typically, my complex domestic set up means that the 'fun monitor' (to use a fellow forum member's terminology) was staying in the home of flat caps and whippets instead of her native Somerset. Last year I found out about Peak Sightseer from a Roger French blog post.  Having read through it,  I consigned that to the 'wants doing' list which is rather long. So this was mentioned to senior management, who has a slight weakness for open top buses. 'What, spend the day on an open top bus going through the Peak District, for £9.50?! And I get to go to Blue John Cavern? Count me in...' A quick

Midland Bus Kits Newsletter

My friends at Midland Bus Kits (Daryl and Leon) have been mentioned in passing a few times before here.  They produce a monthly newsletter which is well worth your time signing up for. From time to time, I contribute articles as well. You can find the first two on these links- first deals with my 'model' bus interests and collection, second the fleet.  May 2023: June 2023:

The mileage game

Long before I listened to radio 1 there was a feature on the roadshow (long before I listened to that as well) called Smiley Miley's Mileage Game. People had to guess the mileage travelled by the roadshow truck to the current location.   The final 2023 event, the 2nd Model Bus Scotland show at Bridgeton Bus Garage in Glasgow. Much less thrilling than the Radio 1 Roadshow is my annual adventures to a number of model bus events each year. The (t)rusty southwestbus support van has visited 10 events in 2023, which is some kind of record for me. We've visited far fewer events in the past sometimes doing just one or two.  The fleet lives in two wooden shelving units in my home, with 8/9 shelves in each.  I bought these as 5 shelf units in 2012, and added in extras. In these shelf units sit a number of layouts with workshop buildings and portacabins. So it's possible to choose one of those layouts for an event. To double up my parking space for vehicles there are two backboards I

LIFE? Don't talk to me about life.....

Have you ever set out with some grand plans and then discovered 'life' completely stuffing them up? That's been the story of this summer and this autumn so far.  So, very little about the models this time. These days, I eke out a living driving MK7 Ford Transit jumbo minibuses for a small operator on WY Metro SEN Schools contracts. Since September 2020 I was working for a firm in South Kirkby, where I spent two and a half years until I no longer enjoyed it. There was the small matter of some people I hope never to meet stealing the bus from outside the house around 18 months ago. End of keeping a vehicle 'home' during a week, and an 18 mile round trip 39 weeks a year and cost to me of c£1500.... useful.  Nice, until it went one night... I was then put on a 'new' contract in September of last year, I no longer enjoyed working on that run, or there and so in January I made contact with B&J Goulding who were based in Knottingley 3 miles from where I now res

Fleet Standards...

Having maintained the usual spasmodic posting frequency into the 'summer' this is a quick post to let both my reader(s) know that I am still here, and also to reveal what will be a series of posts on a combined topic. This is the 'fleet standard'. In the two fleets I've operated there have been some standard buses and coaches which have been prevalent. Blue Bus was known for it's reliance on the Mercedes Vario/Plaxton Beaver 2 combination and the Van Hool Alizee (T8) has been a workhorse in both my fleets.  The series will span minibus, single and double decker buses and hopefully will provide interest to both of you who read this blog.   Other news has been the creation of a couple of articles for the Midland Bus Kits newsletter.  I split them into one about 'the collection' and 'the fleet'. The collection one has appeared in the May edition.  To subscribe to future editions of the Midland Bus Kits newsletter, click HERE . 

What to say?

Some more topical news this week is this very sad case which reflects extremely poorly on the bus and coach industry. It concerns the successful judgment against a Yorkshire coach operator by a driver who has Asperger Syndrome who has won his case for constructive dismissal.  The judgment comes in three parts -  but the pertinent link is the third one which takes you to a 20 page PDF.  I've touched on my own struggles with Asperger's before on other posts here, but reading through the judgment is heartbreaking. I've experienced good employers (and a few bad ones) in my almost 19 year career and the good ones were the ones who took the time, and effort to understand what it means to be mildly autistic and what people with the condition can offer an employer.  The behaviours described within the judgment are experiences I readily relate to, and have in fact suffered elsewhere during my career. And that is sad as we can offer the industry quite a lot. Us Aspies tend to be lo

Rural Buses

This week's item of interest in Route One magazine is the interesting (to us) topic of rural bus services being discussed by the Transport Select Committee.  A useful summary of the wibble discussed can be found on this link . Of interest was the transcript of the hearings which as always is illuminating.  You can click here for PDFs of the transcript.   One of the committee members is Chris Loder, MP for West Dorset and a former Railwayman. I met him in 2009 on a CILT 'Young Professionals' weekender in France. Suffice to say, he comes across in the hearings as a self important individual which is precisely the impression I gained from a few hours in his presence.  Being an MP is appropriate for someone with a god complex.... You know you're popular when you get an outing on a politics youtube channel.   What also comes across is his complete lack of knowledge about local bus services in his constituency. For someone with a rural area one would expect him to be at the f