Fleet Standards...

Having maintained the usual spasmodic posting frequency into the 'summer' this is a quick post to let both my reader(s) know that I am still here, and also to reveal what will be a series of posts on a combined topic.

This is the 'fleet standard'. In the two fleets I've operated there have been some standard buses and coaches which have been prevalent. Blue Bus was known for it's reliance on the Mercedes Vario/Plaxton Beaver 2 combination and the Van Hool Alizee (T8) has been a workhorse in both my fleets. 

The series will span minibus, single and double decker buses and hopefully will provide interest to both of you who read this blog.  

Other news has been the creation of a couple of articles for the Midland Bus Kits newsletter.  I split them into one about 'the collection' and 'the fleet'. The collection one has appeared in the May edition. 

To subscribe to future editions of the Midland Bus Kits newsletter, click HERE


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