What to say?
Some more topical news this week is this very sad case which reflects extremely poorly on the bus and coach industry. It concerns the successful judgment against a Yorkshire coach operator by a driver who has Asperger Syndrome who has won his case for constructive dismissal.
The judgment comes in three parts - but the pertinent link is the third one which takes you to a 20 page PDF.
I've touched on my own struggles with Asperger's before on other posts here, but reading through the judgment is heartbreaking. I've experienced good employers (and a few bad ones) in my almost 19 year career and the good ones were the ones who took the time, and effort to understand what it means to be mildly autistic and what people with the condition can offer an employer.
The behaviours described within the judgment are experiences I readily relate to, and have in fact suffered elsewhere during my career.
And that is sad as we can offer the industry quite a lot. Us Aspies tend to be loyal, reliable and exceptionally keen to do our work properly. If there's a problem with the vehicle, you'll get to know about it pretty quickly. Same with the job in general - we like things to work.
In short, we're the type of employee most employers would like to have. Well, the type of employee they say they'd like to have. In an alleged national shortage of bus workers it defeats me why you'd go out of your way to discourage enthusiastic people from taking up a career in the bus industry.
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