So, that's 2022
Sadly for both of you who read this blog I'm sitting here on Christmas Eve in a reflective mood. I've just spent a week hacking up my lungs with a bronchial cold and now have a functioning voice again. As opposed to the exceptionally poor Darth Vader voice I can do when full of cold. I've got Radio 2's Pick of the pops blasting out and I'm starting to type as Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' is in full flow. This afternoon's choices are 1983 and 1995, both fairly decent years for music. Christmas 1995 was the Wonderwall christmas, where Oasis had their hit high up in the charts. However it wasn't a no 1 - which is why the Channel 4 'Greatest Number 1 singles' compilation and programme doesn't include it, but instead has 'Don't Look Back In Anger' from April 1996 as the sole Oasis record on the compilation. See, my useless knowledge extends beyond the world of buses.... :D What have we achieved in 2022? Well, we've be...