With things a little more certain on the bus service side we have been able to invest in some new buses for that side of the operation. This will take two forms. Optare Solo SRs for smaller vehicles and ADL Enviro 400 MMCs for larger vehicles. The larger vehicle investment means we'll have a replacement double deck fleet to filter through the operation, us having a number of school and college services. The dual purpose seating with these vehicles also means they can be used on railway replacement work on weekends, meaning they get full use throughout the working week. The Solos are a belated purchase. For a few years now, there's been no 'new diecast small bus' on the market. The Enviro 200 is no longer sold as a new vehicle and there has been no releases by NMC for a number of years. There is promised an MMC version of the Enviro 200, but that was announced in 2018 and it is now 2022. Suffice to say, were they available, we'd have a few of them as 'larger...