Government Money and Local Excitement....
Whilst I'm a keen non-follower of current affairs, especially when it concerns our 'Government' and their sponsored mouthpieces in the form of the mainstream media one cannot help observe the recent announcement about a new National Bus strategy. This, upon further examination is not a reintroduction of the Leyland National, just as the final example are withdrawn from our railways but a more exciting passage of a new bus strategy adopted by our 'Government' as our 'Prime Minister' (he who invented an entirely new bus for London to solve a problem that never existed which has cost £15m more than otherwise would have been spent on conventional vehicles). As John Cash wrote in the Autumn 1996 Buses Focus article on Yelloway - the one certainty about new legislation is that it ensures the passage of the next piece of legislation. No, there is new money available to improve bus services across the UK. £3bn in fact. On a recent holiday to Cumbria the local radi...